regulars on the #code4lib irc channel
The following is a list of some of the people who often hang out in #code4lib. Some of them appear in this picture from Access 2005, and many of them have blogs that are part of planet code4lib. Feel free to add your name.
- akrowne -- Aaron Krowne
- anarchivist -- Mark Matienzo
- artunit -- Art Rhyno
- asl -- Aaron Lav
- azaroth -- Rob Sanderson
- bess -- Bess Sadler
- BigD -- Declan Fleming
- BillDueber -- Bill Dueber
- bradl -- Brad LaJeunesse
- Cicer0 -- Jeffrey Barnett
- dbs -- Dan Scott
- dchud -- Dan Chudnov
- djfiander -- David J. Fiander
- eby -- Ryan Eby
- ecorrado -- Edward Corrado
- edsu -- Ed Summers
- ejlynema -- Emily Lynema
- emorgan -- Eric Lease Morgan
- geeklibrarian -- Darci Hanning
- gmcharlt -- Galen Charlton
- gsf -- Gabriel Farrell
- jaf -- Jeremy Frumkin
- jbrinley -- Jonathan Brinley
- jeffdavis -- Jeff Davis
- jeyo -- Jeff Young
- jjtuttle -- Jim Tuttle
- JodiS -- Jodi Schneider
- jonvw -- Jonathan Williams
- jstroop -- Jon Stroop
- kgood -- Kenton Good
- ksclarke -- Kevin S. Clarke
- lbjay -- Jay Luker
- leww -- Walter Lewis
- LTjake -- Brian Cassidy
- mbklein -- Michael B. Klein
- miker_ -- Mike Rylander <li about=""mjgiarlo -- Michael J. Giarlo</li>
- mkudzia -- Megan O'Neill Kudzia
- MrDys -- Sean Hannan
- ndushay -- Naomi Dushay
- paul_miller -- Paul Miller
- pbinkley -- Peter Binkley
- phasefx -- Jason Etheridge
- ph0rman -- Andrew Forman
- pmurray -- Peter Murray
- rdhyee -- Raymond Yee
- robcaSSon -- Rob Casson
- royt -- Roy Tennant
- rsinger -- Ross Singer
- ruebot -- Nick Ruest
- sboyette -- Shawn Boyette
- tholbroo -- Todd Holbrook
- todrobbins -- Tod Robbins
- vphill -- Mark Phillips
- wickr -- Ryan Wick
- williw -- William Wueppelmann
- zoia -- the friendly neighborhood bot