The audio for the 2006 Code4Lib Conference is now available online. You can get it the following ways.

Please let me know if you have any problems. Unfortunately quite a few of the objects in Dspace had multiple mp3 files associated with it. It looks like some presentations were cut across cd’s and it also seems that some use the same file. Atom 1.0 allows multiple enclosures, which is what I used so that it was associated with the same URI. Unfortunately most aggregators only support single enclosures (RSS only allows one depending on the interpretation) so you may only get the first part. Also the files are rather large. I’m hoping to go through and seperate the individual presentations and then post an updated feed. I still need to determine the copyrights of the audio however.

I created the Atom by hand and carried over the majority of the metadata. It’s valid so you should be able to parse it for whatever you want.