Your Catalog in Linked Data

  • Tom Johnson, Oregon State University Libraries,

code4lib 2012, Tuesday 7 February 2012, 11:00-11:20

Linked Library Data activity over the last year has seen bibliographic data sets and vocabularies proliferating from traditional library sources. We've reached a point where regular libraries don't have to go it alone to be on the Semantic Web. There is a quickly growing pool of things we can actually link to, and everyone's existing data can be immediately enriched by participating. This is a quick and dirty road to getting your catalog onto the Linked Data web. The talk will take you from start to finish, using Free Software tools to establish a namespace, put up a SPARQL endpoint, make a simple data model, convert MARC records to RDF, and link the results to major existing data sets (skipping conveniently over pesky processing time). A small amount of "why linked data?" content will be covered, but the primary goal is to leave you able to reproduce the process and start linking your catalog into the web of data. Appropriate documentation will be on the web.

Documentation & Supplementary Resource