In addition to having a discussion list, a blog aggregator, Slack, an IRC channel, an electronic journal, and an annual conference, people independently decided that it might be nice to meet in person more than once a year to talk about stuff they are working on…and to hang out and drink {beverage_of_choice} with fun & knowledgeable people. A list of local chapters is available on the code4lib wiki.


Want to start your own local chapter?

  1. Announce your intent to start a local chapter on the code4lib mailing list and/or Slack/IRC
  2. Create a page on the code4lib wiki, or set up your own website and link to it
  3. Keep us up to date on code4lib mailing list so people know about meetings
  4. Post meeting notes, audio, video, anything to relevant websites or the code4lib wiki
  5. Have fun!