Media, Blacklight, and Viewers Like You

  • Chris Beer, WGBH,

Code4Lib 2010 - Wednesday, February 24 - 10:35-10:55

There are many shared problems (and solutions) for libraries and archives in the interest of helping the user. There are also many “new” developments in the archives world that the library communities have been working on for ages, including item-level cataloging, metadata standards, and asset management. Even with these similarities, media archives have additional issues that are less relevant to libraries: the choice of video players, large file sizes, proprietary file formats, challenges of time-based media, etc. In developing a web presence, many archives, including the WGBH Media Library and Archives, have created custom digital library applications to expose material online. In 2008, we began a prototyping phase for developing scholarly interfaces by creating a custom-written PHP front-end to our Fedora repository.

In late 2009, we finally saw the (black)light, and after some initial experimentation, decided to build a new, public website to support our IMLS-funded /Vietnam: A Television History/ archive (as well as existing legacy content). In this session, we will share our experience of and challenges with customizing Blacklight as an archival interface, including work in rights management, how we integrated existing Ruby on Rails user-generated content plugins, and the development of media components to support a rich user experience.

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